Friday, May 8, 2009
Mom, stay with Baby and Work from Home!

Monday, May 4, 2009
Mom, want to show off your Baby???
I have decided to add a part to the blog where you can show off your baby, toddler or even your teenagers for that matter.
Would you like to share it with me and all the other moms that are visitors to this blog?
I would love to see the little ones in your life that fully completes you.
You can add any info with the photo you send, like whats currently happening in your little ones life, or what they are up to, their favorite toy, or if they are walking, crawling, taking, anything about your baby you'd like to share.
You can email me the photo and your story to: (williamrobinson@lantic.net)
From here I will edit and add the info to my blog.
If you want to share your story without a photo, that's ok too.
If you wish your photo or story not to go public on my blog, you let me know and I will not post it.
But I would really like to hear from any mom out there.
To start this off, here is my story:
My daughter is 14 Months, born on 26 Feb 2008.
Her name is Genevieve and she is the most adorable little human being.
With her blonde hair and blue eyes, she looks a lot like her dad and her personality fits his as well.
She started walking at 10 Months and now she is all over the place, recently she started to run, still slow, but she is getting there.
She has 6 teeth so far, and yeah she has bit me with them, not pleasant I may say :D
She loves playing hide and seek with me and her dad, and she can already say a few words.
But still she is speaking her chines - off cause I have absolutely NO idea what she is saying, but if she starts to talk, she never stops. It's an on going conversation. LOL
She loves nature, to play outside and she adores animals, especially dogs.
She also have a thing for other babies and she enjoys their company and like to play with them as well.
She has changed my life and each day is a new adventure. One never gets bored with a little one around. They are a true blessing form God. I enjoy her a lot and woudn't have wanted it any other way.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Check out my Squidoo pages!!!

I have created some lenses on Squidoo over the passed few months.
Be sure to visit them, if you are looking for ways to earn extra money working from home.
On the one lens you will find several Programs you can join for FREE if you want to advertise or promote a program you have joined, to generate extra floods of traffic to your site or program.
You are more than welcome to leave a comment on my pages. I'd love to hear from you.
Well here they are - ENJOY!!!
How to earn Money Online
and lastly
Cash Gifting
Friday, May 1, 2009
SEND TWO E-MAILS AND RECEIVE $186.00 - A recipe that really works!!!

This is working now and working very well.
Create that extra income!
That's Right. $186.00 in your Alertpay account and that's NO BULL!!! IT WAS PROVEN ON OPRAH and is COMPLETELY LEGAL!!!
You may have heard of this program (or one like it) on 20/20 or even in the Wall Street Journal. 15 Dollars... that's all it takes. I'll try to keep it short and sweet.
To get started just right mouse click and copy this whole page and paste it in an e-mail to edit it. Simply follow the instructions below and in 2 to 3 weeks, you will have as much as $186.00 in your Alertpay account or even more.
Most people respond to this program because of the low investment of $15 and high profit potential. There is no limit to the income you can generate from this (you can do it over and over). If you follow the instructions, you will reach hundreds of people! Honesty, Faith, and Integrity make this system work.
I think everyone has heard of Alertpay. Anyone with an e-mail address can join it for FREE! If you're not already a Alertpay user, the first thing you need to do is sign up.
It's really easy to set up and it's free.
Just make sure you have a Premier account
which allow You to receive and send money.
Make sure you upgrade your Alertpay account to “Personal Pro” or “Bussiness”
LET'S GET STARTED: Send a $3 donation from your Alertpay account to five e-mail addresses on the list along with a note saying "Thanks from [your@email.address]". And an e-mail to the 5-th person on the list saying "Thanks. I've joined." Remove the 1st e-mail address and place your address at the bottom. This moves the 2nd to 1st, 3rd to 2nd, 4th to 3rd, and the 5th place into 4th.
If you do this the way it was designed, it will reach hundreds by the time your name gets to the top. REMEMBER TO SEND a $3 donation to the five e-mail addresses with the note "Thanks from [your@email.address]". And an e-mail to the 5-th person on the list saying "Thanks. I've joined." This helps the 5-th person keeps track of progress of the letter and continue to send out more emails. Here is the list:
1. kathyobaker@gmail.com
2. bakerphilip5@gmail.com
3. taylor.chris727@gmail.com
4. tom.radx@gmail.com
5. williamrobinson@lantic.net
(Make sure it's the same e-mail address that you used to open your Alertpay account. This is the way you will receive payment)
You will receive - THANKS AND THE SAME BLESSING. When your name is on the 1st slot and You send 2 e-mails, min 62 people will send you 3 dollars! When You send 3 e-mails min 363 people will send You 3 dollars. And when You send 4 e-mails min 1364 people will send You 3 dollars. Keep in mind... the most you spent is $15. Remember... what goes around comes around.
Mary Gatters,
Jenny O'Brien, Brisbane, Aust:
As a single Mom with 2 girls it is hard to find some thing that works on the net
and doesn’t require a lot of Money to get started, I can say that this is the best
formula I have seen, I sent out about 185 copies and in less than 4 weeks I had
about $7,400.00 and more coming each day, this is truly a winner!
Don't cheat, follow the formula and you will make money, if you can send
an e-mail you can do this. Good luck.
Step 1.
Set up your Alertpay account, if you don't already have one.
Step 2.
Send the persons on the list $3 and an e-mail stating "Thanks from [your@email.address]". And an e-mail to the 5-th person on the list saying "Thanks. I've joined."
Step 3.
Remove the top name, bump the other 4 names up 1 place each. Place your name in the bottom slot - you will receive a minimum of $186.00 or more from your efforts.
Step 4.
Keep sending the letter. People bless You.
I know that or maybe you have seen or heard of this on Oprah or even received numerous messages about this simple program and have probably just deleted them. I know I have! But for some unknown reason this time I decided to give it a try. After all, it's only a $15 investment!
Please give itan honest effort, you will not be disappointed and will be very glad you did when it starts to work. Remember, all you're going to be out of pocket is about the cost of a couple of coffees with the opportunity of banking hundreds of dollars into your Alertpay account! Yours In Success and Prosperity!